NetCloak Pro Version 3.0 Pro
User's Guide

Installing NetCloak Pro with WebTen

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Installing the NetCloak Pro Plug-In with WebTen

  1. Follow the instructions described in the NetCloak Standard User's Guide for Installing the NetCloak Plug-In with WebTen.

  2. Launch WebTen if necessary.

  3. Launch your web browser if it is not already running.

  4. Access your server's "Administration Server" home page (at "") via your browser.

  5. Click "Action Handlers" in the Administration Server home page.

  6. Type "NFORMS_PI" in an empty "Action" field.

  7. Type "NETCLOAK-PLUGIN" in the corresponding "Action Handler" field.

  8. Click "Save Handlers".

  9. Click "MIME Extensions".

  10. Type ".fdml" in an empty "Extension" field.

  11. Select "NFORMS_PI" from the "Action" popup menu for the ".fdml" extension.

  12. Click "Save MIME Extensions".

Installing the NetCloak Pro CGI with WebTen

  1. Follow the instructions described in the NetCloak Standard User's Guide for Installing the NetCloak CGI with WebTen.

  2. Launch WebTen if necessary.

  3. Launch your web browser if it is not already running.

  4. Access your server's "Administration Server" home page (at "") via your browser.

  5. Click "Action Handlers".

  6. In the table that appears, enter "NFORMS" in an empty cell in the first column ("Actions"), and enter "/cgi-bin/NetCloak.acgi" in the second column, "Action Handler".

  7. Click "Save Handlers".

  8. Click "MIME Extensions".

  9. In the table that appears, enter ".fdml" in the first column, "text/html" in the second column, and pick "NFORMS" from the popup menu in the third column.

  10. Click "Save MIME Extensions".

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